Alberta PNP

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Alberta Advantage Immigration Program

The Alberta Advantage Immigration Program is one of the many Canadian economic immigration programs that nominate eligible candidates for PR in Alberta. The selected nominees must have relevant skills to occupy the job shortages in the province or have plans to buy or set up a business in Alberta. They must also be financially secure to provide for their families. Both the Canadian and Alberta governments administer the AAIP program. Candidates who receive a nomination under this program are eligible to apply for PR along with their dependents and spouse/common-law partner. The IRCC then oversees the PR applications while the federal government makes the final decision.

What is Alberta Advantage Immigration Program?

Alberta is one of the 13 Canadian provinces and territories on Canada's Western side. Calgary and Edmonton, two large cities in Canada, fall under this province. It is known for its natural reserves and renowned national parks like the Jasper and the Banff. Alberta is one of the most in-demand Canadian provinces for immigrants looking to settle in Canada with a PR.  The Alberta PNP, also known as the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), has been a sought-after immigration pathway for many immigrants to migrate to Canada. The Alberta PNP program is diverse, offering many opportunities for foreign workers and entrepreneurs to settle in the country. Eligible candidates with the proper skill set and professional experience receive a provincial nomination. 15 Alberta PNP draws have been held in 2024 until now, issuing 708 Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to apply for PR.

AAIP Streams(Alberta Advantage Immigration Program)

The Alberta Advantage Immigration program (AAIP) nominates eligible candidates for PR. The province has eight functional streams for both skilled foreign workers and entrepreneurs.

Streams for workers: The streams mentioned below are for foreign workers who plan to reside and work in Alberta or are currently living and working in the province:  

  • Alberta Opportunity stream
  • Alberta Express Entry stream
  • Rural Renewal stream
  • Tourism and Hospitality stream

Streams for entrepreneurs: The streams mentioned below are for entrepreneurs wishing to reside in Alberta or start a business there.

  • Rural Entrepreneur stream
  • Farm stream
  • Graduate Entrepreneur stream
  • Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur stream

Alberta PNP Eligibility

The eligibility requirements for the AAIP vary based on the type of immigration stream. However, the general checklists of documents that are required for the Alberta PNP are as follows:

  • Valid passport
  • A filled and signed application form
  • Work permit
  • Birth certificate
  • Residential proof or proof of address
  • Medical certificate (if required)
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Language proficiency test scores (IELTS/CELPIP for English and TCF/TEF for French)
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)
  • Reference letter from your employer
  • Proof of employment letter
  • Statement of earnings
  • Proof of sufficient funds

Alberta PNP Requirements

The requirements for Alberta PNP differ based on the chosen immigration stream. The table below has some AAIP(Alberta Advantage Immigration program) options you can choose from depending on the qualifications and skill set.

Category Is a job required? Is the stream aligned with Express Entry? Is it currently receiving applications? Connection to province
Alberta Opportunity Stream Yes No Yes Has work experience in Alberta
Alberta Express Entry Stream No Yes Yes Has work experience in Alberta
Has a parent, child, brother or sister who is a PR holder or citizen of Alberta
Accelerated Tech Pathway Yes Yes Yes Work full-time in Alberta or have a full-time work offer in the province.
Rural Renewal Stream Yes No Yes Must be willing to live and work in any of the nominated Alberta communities
Farm Stream No No Yes N/A
Graduate Entrepreneur Stream No No Yes Has completed education or graduated in Alberta
Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream No No Yes N/A
Rural Entrepreneur Stream No No Yes Has a community support letter from a participating rural Alberta community

Alberta Advantage Immigration programs 

The Alberta PNP program has eight immigration pathways categorized under two streams: One for foreign workers and one for entrepreneurs.

You can find a detailed explanation of all the AAIP streams in the below sections:

Alberta Advantage Immigration Program Opportunity Stream

Individuals currently residing and working full-time in Alberta with an employment offer from an employer in any eligible occupation can apply for the AAIP via the Alberta Opportunity stream. One of the major requirements is to have an LMIA or any one of the LMIA-exempt work permits, along with other eligibility requirements that include language, education, residency, occupation, type of work permit, total work experience, and a valid job offer. The detailed eligibility criteria for the Alberta Opportunity stream are given in the below sections.    

Alberta Advantages Immigration Program Residency requirements

You are required to have a valid temporary resident visa in Canada at the time of applying for the program. The resident status allows the individual to work in the country with a valid temporary foreign worker permit.

Alberta PNP Work permit requirements

Individuals must have a valid work permit while applying for the AAIP program, provided it is not on implied or restoration status.

The work permits are issued based on any one of the following factors:

  • A positive LMIA (Labor Market Impact Assessment)
  • An LMIA-exempt work permit that is based on the exemptions listed below:
  • International trade agreements
  • Mobilité Francophone
  • International Experience Canada
  • Workers transferred within a company.
  • R205(d) for religious work
  • Open work permit granted by the IRCC to:
  • Vulnerable workers who have shown that they are going through abuse or are at risk of abuse in terms of their employment in Canada ( it also includes the Vulnerable Workers Open Work Permit (VWOWP) exemption) or
  • Family members of a vulnerable worker under the VWOWP exemption
  • A PGWP held by a graduate of an Alberta Advanced Education from a public-funded post-secondary institution
  • The PGWP holders are also required to fulfill other education, occupation, and professional experience requirements that are listed below: 
  • An open work permit that is issued via the open work permit public services, such as:
  • 2022 temporary policy changes to the PGWP Program or ​2023 temporary policy changes to the PGWP Program
  • A graduate of an Alberta Advanced Education publicly funded post-secondary institution must hold a permit.
  • Holders of this type of open work permit are also required to meet the same specific occupation, education, and work experience requirements as PGWP holders.
  • An open work permit granted under the public policy for Hong Kong graduates
  • An open work permit granted under IRCC’s Ukraine immigration measures (also known as the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET)).

Note: Individuals with a work permit that does not fall under any of the above criteria are ineligible for the permit

Who is ineligible to apply?

Individuals cannot be nominated or apply for the Alberta Advantage immigration Program Opportunity steam if:

  • Individuals or refugee claimants that are currently in federal removal or appeal process [The AAIP does not interfere in any of the federal appeal, claim, or refusal processes]
  • Individuals with temporary resident status who are currently residing and working in any of the Canadian province or territory other than Alberta
  • Foreign nationals residing and working in Canada without a valid temporary resident status

Alberta PNP Occupation requirements

Individuals applying for the Opportunity stream are required to be working in an eligible occupation in Alberta. Valid work experience and a job offer are also one of the occupation requirements. Most occupations under the NOC TEER Categories 0,1,2,3, 4, and 5 qualify under the AAIP.

Note: The occupation you work in while submitting the application is considered your “Current occupation.”

What are the ineligible occupations?

NOC code (2021) NOC TEER category Occupation
10 0 Legislators
40021 0 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40030 0 Managers in social, community and correctional services
40041 0 Fire chiefs and senior fire fighting officers
60040* 0 Escort agency managers, massage parlour managers
41100 1 Judges
41220 1 Secondary school teachers
41221 1 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
51111 1 Authors and writers (except technical)
51122 1 Musicians and singers
42200* 2 Justices of the peace
42202* 2 Early childhood educators who do not have certification through Alberta Children's Services – Child Care Staff Certification Office or who have been certified as Level 1 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Assistant)
43100 3 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
43109 3 Other instructors
53121 3 Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122 3 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53124 3 Artisans and craftsperson
53200 3 Athletes
63101 3 Real estate agents and salespersons
33100* 3 Dental laboratory assistants/bench workers
44100 4 Home child care providers
44101 4 Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
64321 4 Casino occupations
55109 5 Other performers
65109 5 Other sales related occupations
65211 5 Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport
65229 5 Other support occupations in personal services
65329 5 Other service support occupations
75200 5 Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs
85101 5 Harvesting labourers
85102 5 Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers
85104 5 Trappers and hunters
85110 5 Mine labourers
85121 5 Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers


Post-graduation Work Permit holders

As a Post-Graduate work permit (PGWP) holder, you must be employed in an occupation related to your field of study in Alberta.  

If you started attending an Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019, and have completed a one-year post-diploma certificate or post-baccalaureate certificate that is Advanced Education-approved, your occupation must be related to the previous post-secondary field of study outside Canada.

Alberta PNP Language requirements

You must fulfill the basic language requirements for French and English when you apply for the program. 

The table below has the language requirements and scores that must be fulfilled based on a single test result.

National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER category Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) test score required Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) test score required
If you are working in a NOC 0, 1, 2 or 3 occupation Minimum of 5 for each English language skill Minimum of 5 for each French language skill
If you are working in a NOC 4 or 5 occupation Minimum of 4 for each English language skill Minimum of 4 for each French language skill


The minimum language requirement for those applying under the NOC code 33102 (nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates) is CLB 7 for English proficiency and NCLC 7 for French proficiency.

Note: You are required to confirm the TEER category for your occupation in the NOC 2021 and use that TEER category to determine the minimum language you score. Applicants who have sent in their applications on or before November 15, 2022, must review the NOC 2016 language requirements that applied to them at that time.

The following list of language tests are accepted for the AAIP program:

  • Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test
  • Test de connaissance du français Canada (TCF Canada)
  • Test d'évaluation de français Canada (TEF Canada)

Note: The test result must have been at least two years old when your application was submitted. The AAIP will not accept a confirmation of registration to take a language test instead of a language test result.

Alberts PNP Education requirements

Candidates are required to fulfill the minimum high school education levels equivalent to Canadian standards. For the highest level of education, you must submit an ECA (Educational credential assessment) issued by a designated organization by the IRCC.

Note: You will fail to meet the educational requirement if your ECA states that the credential is not equivalent to the Canadian high school standard or if the ECA shows that the foreign academic institution is not recognized.

You are not required to provide an ECA if:

  • You have a valid Alberta Qualification Certificate or a trade certificate that is recognized by the AIT (Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training)
  • You have a Canadian diploma, degree, or certificate from a Canadian post-secondary, secondary institution, or technical college that is listed as the following:
  • A recognized institution in the Directory of Educational Institutions in Canada (OR)
  • A licensed, authorized, or registered institution in the Directory of Educational Institutions in Canada and the institutions authorized by Advanced Education to grant diploma, degree, or certificate.

Post-Graduation Work Permit holders:

When applying, PGWP holders must meet other specific educational requirements. An Alberta Advanced Education publicly funded post-secondary institution must grant the academic credential.

Eligible Alberta credentials

The credential must be an Alberta Advanced Education-approved credential, also known as a minister-approved credential. Public-funded post-secondary institutions are also eligible to issue credentials without the Minister of Advanced Education's approval. However, institution-approved credentials do not qualify for the Alberta Opportunity stream.

Eligible Alberta Advanced Education approved credentials

The list of eligible Alberta Advanced Education approved credentials are listed below:

  • Diploma program (minimum two years in length)
  • Post-diploma certificate or post-baccalaureate certificate (minimum one year in length)
  • Undergraduate bachelor's degree
  • Graduate level degree
  • Graduate level certificate
  • Graduate level diploma

Note: If you have started attending the Alberta credential program, you can qualify with a minimum of one year of entry-level certificate.

Alberta PNP Work Experience Requirements

Your current occupation must align with the work experience mentioned in the application at the time of submission and when the AAIP evaluates your profile.

Eligible work experience

While submitting your application, you must have:

  • At least one year of full-time experience in your current job role in Alberta in the recent 18 months 
  • At least two years of full-time work experience in your current occupation in Canada or overseas in the last 30 months (or) the work experience can also be a combination of the experience gained in Alberta and outside Alberta within Canada or overseas.

PGWP holders must have at least six months of experience in a full-time job role that must be gained in their occupation in the last 18 months. 

The qualifying work experience that is considered for all the applicants, including PGWP holders, is as follows:

  • Must be full-time for at least 30 hours a week
  • Must be the same occupation as your current job role
  • Must be authorized by the IRCC with a valid Temporary resident status if the work was in Alberta or Canada
  • The experience must not have been gained while attending studies in Canada or during co-op work placements or internships that were a part of the study course or program, provided you are a PGWP holder who has gained experience via paid co-op work that is considered as a part of your study program in Alberta post-secondary institution. To qualify for this, the work terms must be:
  • Paid or full-time work (At least 30 hours a week)
  • Work experience that is related to your current occupation
  • Work experience that is completely gained in Alberta

All the eligible individuals, including those with a PGWP, must fulfill the licensing, registration, and certification requirements while applying and when the AAIP does the application assessment process:

  • Must have a registered certification, licensing or registration to be employed in your occupation
  • A valid Alberta (AIT) recognized trade certificate if employed in any of the compulsory trades in Alberta.
  • A valid certification as a Level 2 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Worker) or Level 3 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Supervisor) if employed as a childcare worker

Eligible job offers with Alberta PNP

All the applicants, including PGWP holders, must have a valid employment contract or a job offer from an Alberta-based employer to work in their current occupation in Alberta during the application submission or at the time of application assessment. 

The full-time job offer must meet AAIP's work permit requirements, as well as other job offer and employer-related requirements.

Who is considered ineligible based on the job offer?

You cannot apply or receive a nomination under the Opportunity stream if you are:

  • A part-time, seasonal, or casual employee, irrespective of the working hours
  • Business owner, independent contractor, temporary agency worker that includes shareholders, directors, or agents of the Alberta employer on the Corporate Registry System (CORES)
  • Working in Alberta in a place that is not cut out for industrial or commercial purposes like a home business
  • Not employed in on-site work in Alberta and is doing remote or work-from-home jobs from a virtual location outside the province.

Steps to Apply for the Alberta Opportunity Stream

Here is a 5-step guide to apply for the Opportunity stream under the AAIP:

Step 1: Review the terms and conditions

Step 2: Go through the eligibility criteria

Step 3: Complete the online application process

Step 4: Complete the fee payment

Step 5: Await a decision on your application

Alberta Express Entry Stream

The Alberta Express Entry stream is for candidates with an Express Entry profile. The stream selects and nominates a restricted number of people from the Express Entry system. Candidates who wish to apply for the Express Entry stream must have an Invitation to Apply (ITA) from the province.

Note: The factors and priorities for the selection process in this stream are prone to change with no prior notice.

What are the selection criteria for the Alberta Express Entry stream?

Candidates who fulfill the conditions listed below are more likely to receive a Notification of Interest (NOI) or be asked for the submission of their application.

You can get selected if you:

  • Have close family members in Alberta and experience in an in-demand occupation
  • Have an employment offer from an Alberta-based employer in the healthcare sector, along with a license to practice in any of the professions listed under the Dedicated Healthcare Pathway. (Candidates may come under the Express Entry or Non-Express Entry categories, along with accelerated processing time.
  • Have an employment offer for eligible tech occupations from an Alberta-based employer in the tech industry under the Accelerated Tech Pathway. An Accelerated Tech Pathway web form and accelerated processing time are required.
  • Have an employment offer from an Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police member in any eligible police service occupation under the Law Enforcement Pathway.
  • Have the experience that is required to help the labor needs in sectors like agriculture, tourism and hospitality, and construction

Alberta Express Entry Eligibility Criteria

The cut-off eligibility for the Express Entry profile is TEER 3, equivalent to Skill Level B. There are specific priorities based on which the AAIP will send Notifications of Interest (NOI) or consider issuing an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

The list of eligibility factors or priorities for the Express Entry stream is as follows:

  • Family connection and primary occupation in demand
  • Dedicated Health Care Pathway
  • Accelerated Tech Pathway
  • Law Enforcement Pathway
  • Priority sectors – agriculture, construction, tourism and hospitality

Minimum Requirements for the Alberta Express Entry Stream

You are more likely to receive a NOI (Notification of Interest) for the Accelerated Tech Pathway if:

  • You have a valid Express Entry profile in the Express Entry pool.
  • You must fulfill the criteria for any of the Express Entry managed federal programs like:
  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Have a minimum CRS score of 300
  • Your primary occupation in your Express Entry profile is an in-demand occupation.
  • You intend to reside and work in Alberta permanently and have expressed an interest in immigrating to Alberta permanently.
  • Your primary occupation is not listed on the Ineligible Occupations list for the Alberta Opportunity Stream.
  • You are currently considered ineligible to re-apply to the AAIP because of misinterpretation.
  • The volume of AAIP nominations or applications for your occupation in the ongoing year is considered fair enough to align with the provincial economic immigration priorities.
  • You are not a refugee claimant or involved in a federal appeal or removal process.
  • You do not have a nomination under any of the AAIP streams.

Family Connection

Family connection and primary occupation in demand

The eligibility criteria to qualify under the family connection and primary occupation in demand are as follows:

Family connection:

  • The primary applicant must have a parent, sibling, or child residing in Alberta
  • They must be above 18 years of age
  • The family member must be a Canada PR holder or a citizen

The primary occupation in demand:

  • The primary occupation of the applicant must be an in-demand occupation

The list of in-demand occupations in Alberta is as follows:

  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Natural resources, agriculture, and related production occupations
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators, and related occupations
  • Sales and service occupations
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation, and sport
  • Occupations in education, law, and social, community, and government services
  • Health occupations
  • Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
  • Business, finance, and administration occupations
  • Legislative and senior management occupations

Note: Family and relative connections are assessed based on their relation to the primary applicant. The family connection to the primary applicant must be that of a parent, child, or sibling, along with verified supporting documents to prove the same. The supporting family member must be above 18 years of age and a Canadian citizen or PR holder. The AAIP may request additional documents proving residency and relationship status.

Dedicated Health Care Pathway

Around 2% of the Express Entry allocations are from category-based selections.  The eligibility for the dedicated health care pathway is as follows:

  • The primary occupation is an eligible NOC code (National Occupational Classification)
  • Must have proof of fulfilling the requirements that are asked by the regulatory organization to be able to practice healthcare services in the province
  • Have a valid employment offer from an Alberta-based employer in the healthcare sector.

The list of eligible healthcare professions under the dedicated healthcare pathway is as follows:

  • Physicians: College of Physicians and Surgeon of Alberta (CPSA)
  • Registered Nurses (RNs): College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA)
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs): College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA)
  • Nurse Practitioners (NPs): College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA)
  • Physician Assistants: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)
  • Occupational Therapist: Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT)
  • Physiotherapist: College of Physiotherapist of Alberta (CPA)
  • Clinical Social Worker: Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW)
  • Psychologist: College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP)

Accelerated Tech Pathway 

To qualify for the Accelerated Tech Pathway, you must submit the Accelerated Tech Pathway form. The form includes details about the Alberta-based employment offer and the Federal Express Entry profile.

Requirements to receive an ITA under the Accelerated Tech Pathway:

You may receive an ITA to submit the application if:

  • You fulfill the Alberta Express Entry stream requirements.
  • You must be working full-time under a job contract or have a job offer that I signed by you and the employer that:
  • Fulfills the job and employment contract requirements that are set by the Alberta job offer requirements
  • The occupation is listed on the eligible Accelerated Tech Pathway occupations.
  • Alberta employer whose primary business activities should be related to the tech industry in Alberta
  • You have an approved immigration status (Work permit or implied status) if you are currently employed in the province for an employer in Alberta.
  • The primary occupation in the Express Entry profile is the same as your current job offer or Alberta employment.

Individuals who are employed by an eligible Alberta employer in an eligible tech occupation or have an employment offer to work for up to 30 hours a week or more in 12 months:

  • Part-time, seasonal, or casual employees 
  • Temporary agency workers or independent workers
  • Employees who are not employed in on-site work in Alberta but are remotely working

Note: If your Express Entry profile expires in 5 months or less, you may have fewer chances of applying. You are advised to update your profile to be considered an eligible candidate under the Accelerated Tech Pathway.

Law Enforcement Pathway

The selection of candidates for the Law Enforcement Pathway is not done via the Express Entry draw. The AAIP will analyze details on the international recruits identified by a member organization of the Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police (AACP) to decide whether the requirements are fulfilled to receive an ITA.

The invitations are mailed with a link to the official online portal.

You may be eligible to receive an invitation if:

  • You fulfill the requirements for the Alberta Express Entry stream (mentioned in the above sections)
  • The primary occupation in the Express Entry profile is the same as your current job offer or Alberta employment.
  • You are identified as an internationally recruited police officer by AACP.
  • Have a verified and valid employment offer from an employer in Alberta for the police services in any of the police service NOC codes and titles listed below.
  • 40040 – Commissioned (management) police offers and related occupations in public protection services
  • 41310 – Police investigators and other investigative occupations
  • 42100 – Police officers (except commissioned)

Note: The NOC codes have different occupational titles, and the AAIP will look for additional information about the occupation and the job offered by the applicants and the AACP. You may have fewer chances of applying if your Express Entry profile expires in 5 months or less. You are advised to update your profile to be considered an eligible candidate under the Law Enforcement Nomination Support.

Priority sectors

The priority sectors include agriculture, construction, tourism and hospitality. Candidates with a verified job offer from a legit and valid business in Alberta whose occupation is listed as one of the in-demand occupations will be given more priority.

What are the assessment criteria for the AAIP Express Entry stream?

Given below are some of the assessment criteria for the AAIP Express Entry stream:

  • Candidates invited to apply for the Express Entry AAIP will be emailed a link for application submission. 
  • If you have received an invitation to apply, you must review and fulfill the assessment criteria.
  • The Express Entry profile must be updated to be eligible for the Express Entry stream.
  • All the Alberta Express Entry stream requirements must be fulfilled when the application is being assessed.
  • If you have acquired a Notification of Interest letter, you must also show that you meet specific selection parameters for the draw. The AAIP will review the draw parameters while assessing the applications.
  • When applying for the Accelerated Tech Pathway, you are required to fulfill the ITA at the time of the application submission and while the application is being assessed.
  • The employment offer and requirements for the ongoing employment contract will apply to all the Alberta Express Entry stream pathways.
  • You must ensure that you are working for the Alberta employer to confirm that the Alberta employer requirements are fulfilled.

Note: The chances of your application being rejected are high if you fail to meet the requirements. There will be no refund for the application fee, when an application is refused because of not fulfilling the employer requirements.

  • The details in the Federal Express Entry profile must be accurate and to the point. The checklist of documents given in the Express Entry portal must be submitted to the AAIP when the Express Entry application package is submitted.
  • The required documents in the application must validate the details given in the Federal Express Entry portal when the notification of Interest (NOI) was issued or when the Accelerated Tech pathway application was submitted.

Note: The AAIP does not guarantee that all completed and submitted applications received by the program will be reviewed or that candidates who fulfill the assessment requirements will be sent a Notification of Interest (NOI). 

Steps to Apply for the Alberta Express Entry stream

You can follow the steps given below to apply for the Alberta Express Entry stream:

Step 1: Check your eligibility for the program

Step 2: Receive an invitation request from the AAIP

Step 3: Go through the terms and conditions for the stream

Step 4: Evaluate the assessment criteria

Step 5: Complete the application and pay the application fee

Rural Renewal stream

The rural renewal stream aims to attract and retain newcomers to rural Alberta via a community-driven approach that supports economic development and promotes community growth. The stream authorizes rural communities in Alberta to hire skilled foreign workers to reside, work, and settle in their communities.

Some of the things the communities and employers are eligible to do are as follows:

  • Recruit foreigners by working independently. Upon being nominated, temporary foreign workers can be eligible to seek employment while they wait for a decision on their PR application.
  • Work with an authorized Non-government organization, the Designated Referral Partner, which hires and retains refugee workers via the EMPP (Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot).
  • The EMPP is an official partnership between the IRCC and the AAIP.
  • The AAIP can nominate the refugees for PR via the Rural Renewal stream while offering priority processing on a provincial level. The applicants arrive in the province as permanent residents at the Regional EMPP.

Note: The rural communities must apply and be appointed before they can hire and promote candidates for the Rural Renewal stream. Individuals endorsed by the community and meeting the eligibility requirements for either the EMPP refugee or temporary foreign worker can apply via the official AAIP portal.

Eligibility requirements for the Rural Renewal stream

The eligibility requirements for applicants with a full-time job in a designated community, along with an endorsement letter from a designated community, are given below. Interested applicants must meet the given eligibility criteria to qualify for a nomination. 

The rural renewal stream comprises two major steps:

One of the following community endorsement processes:

  1. The community can directly hire temporary foreign workers to address the labor market's needs and offer individuals an Endorsement of the Candidate letter.
  • The community completes the EMPP referral process to hire refugees. An EMPP referral partner organization will work with the employer in Alberta and the community to find a refugee who best meets the labor needs. The selected candidates receive an Endorsement of Candidate letter from the community and an EMPP Referral Partner letter from the referral partner.
  1. The candidate submits an AAIP application.

List of Designated communities:

Community Designation Date
City of Brooks (including: Town of Bassano, Village of Duchess, County of Newell, Village of Rosemary) May 13, 2022
City of Grande Prairie July 6, 2022
Town of Whitecourt July 20, 2022
Town of Taber (including: Municipal District of Taber, Town of Vauxhall, Town of Coaldale, Town of Picture Butte, Lethbridge County, Town of Cardston, Town of Milk River, Town of Raymond) July 20, 2022
Town of Innisfail (including: Town of Olds, Town of Bowden) September 9, 2022
Municipal District of Smoky River (including: Town of Falher, Village of Donnelly, Village of Girouxville) September 9, 2022
County of Grande Prairie (including: Town of Sexsmith, Town of Wembley, Town of Beaverlodge, Village of Rycroft) September 9, 2022
Town of Trochu (including: Village of Acme, Town of Three Hills, Village of Linden) September 9, 2022
Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo September 9, 2022
Municipality of Jasper September 13, 2022
County of Barrhead (including: Town of Barrhead) November 8, 2022
Town of Hinton November 8, 2022
Town of Fairview (including: Village of Hines Creek) January 13, 2023
City of Medicine Hat (including: Cypress County, Town of Bow Island, Town of Redcliff) January 13, 2023
Town of Fox Creek February 13, 2023
City of Cold Lake March 10, 2023
County of St. Paul (including: Town of St Paul, Town of Elk Point, Summer Village of Horseshoe Bay) March 10, 2023
Town of Drayton Valley March 10, 2023
Town of Slave Lake (including: Sawridge First Nation, Town of High Prairie) March 10, 2023
City of Lloydminster March 29, 2023
City of Lethbridge March 29, 2023
Town of Westlock March 29, 2023
Municipal District of Greenview No.16 (including: The Town of Valleyview) March 29, 2023
Town of Peace River June 14, 2023
Town of Sylvan Lake June 14, 2023
City of Wetaskiwin August 2, 2023
Special Areas 2, 3, 4 (including: Town of Hanna, Town of Oyen, Village of Consort, Village of Empress, Village of Veteran, Village of Youngstown, Municipal District of Acadia No. 34) August 2, 2023
Growth Regional Economic Development Alliance (including: Woodlands County, Town of Swan Hills, Town Mayerthorpe) September 22, 2023
County of Northern Lights (including: Town of Manning) September 22, 2023
Town of Bonnyville September 22, 2023
Town of Two Hills September 22, 2023
Lac La Biche County (including: Hamlet of Lac La Biche, Hamlet of Plamondon and Greater Region) October 4, 2023
Town of High Level December 14, 2023
Town of Didsbury December 14, 2023

Requirements for the Rural Renewal Stream

The sections given below are the requirements that need to be fulfilled to be eligible for the Rural Renewal stream:

Community residency requirement

At the time of the application submission and during the application assessment by the AAIP, the candidate must show the intent to live and work in their designated community in Alberta.

Note: Refugee claimants already residing in Canada are ineligible to apply. 

Community endorsement requirement

Candidates are required to have a valid Endorsement of Candidate letter issued by the EDO (Economic Development Organization) of their designed rural community in Alberta while submitting the application and during the assessment. Candidates must meet the criteria set by the EDO while fulfilling the eligibility for the AAIP Rural Renewal Stream.

What is an Endorsement of Candidate letter?

Candidates applying for the stream must have an Endorsement of Candidate letter from their designated communities. The local EDO must issue a letter that includes the following details:

  • Full name and address of the EDO that issued the letter
  • Your full name, along with your residential address
  • Complete details of the job offer (that includes):
  • Name of the business
  • Name and contact details of the employer
  • Location or Place of employment
  • Job role or position with a complete job description
  • Work conditions and the employment duration
  • A complete outline describing how your taking up the job offer will benefit the economic growth of the designated community.
  • The efforts made by your employer to fill up the job position within the country, along with its outcomes
  • The full name, title/designation, and contact details of the person issuing the Endorsement of Candidate letter

Referral Partner letter (Applicable only for EMPP refugee applicants)

The referral letter must be issued by any of the following EMPP referral partners listed below:

  • FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance
  • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
  • International Rescue Committee
  • JumpStart Refugee Talent
  • RefugePoint
  • Talent Beyond Boundaries
  • Talentlift

The referral partner letter must include the following details:

  • Include details about the representatives of the partner organization (Full name, designation, phone number, email address and signature)
  • Full name and DOB of the applicant
  • Job details of the applicant
  • Confirmation of the referral partner completing the assessment of the applicant that is related to the status verification and specify any of the documents listed below that are held:
  • A positive Refugee Status Determination (RSD) from either a refugee-hosting state or UNHCR
  • Evidence of being recorded or registered as a person of concern by the UNHCR, in case a positive RSD has not been acquired yet or is unavailable at the state that the foreign national is currently living in at the time of application
  • A refugee certificate with the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)
  • Evidence of being recorded or registered as a person of concern by the UNRWA, in case the refugee certificate is not acquired
  • Proof of documents that show that you have the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) that is granted by the hosting state that you are residing in at the time of application, along with a Durable Solution Information (IMM 0195) form

Note: Individuals who do not possess any of the above-listed documents must apply for the support of an EMPP partner to issue a trusted partner referral letter (IMM 0183). The IMM 0183 must be submitted along with the application and must be valid at the time of applying.

Job offer requirements with Alberta PNP

Candidates must have a valid employment offer and a contract from an Alberta employer in any eligible occupation in their designated community. The employer must fulfill the Alberta job offers and employment requirements. 

Note: If the requirements are not fulfilled, your application may be rejected. A refund will not be issued in such cases.

Licensing, registration, and certification requirements

Candidates are required to meet the licensing, registration and certification requirements at the time of application submission and assessment. The requirements that must be fulfilled are as follows:

  • You must have the required licensing, registration, or certification to work in your occupation in Alberta or to accept a job offer in Alberta.
  • If you are working or have an employment offer in a compulsory trade in Alberta, you must have a valid Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Trade (AIT) recognized trade certificate.  
  • If you are employed as a childcare worker in the province, you must have a valid certification as a Level 2 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Worker) or Level 3 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Supervisor).

What are the ineligible job offers?

The list below is ineligible to apply or receive a nomination for the Rural Renewal stream (Even if they have an employment offer that allows working for over 30 hours per week in the entire 12-month timeframe.

  • Seasonal employees, part-time workers, or causal workers
  • Business owners or temporary agency workers, independent contractors, including individuals listed as shareholders, directors, or agents of the Alberta employer on the CORES
  • Employees who are employed in the province in a place of employment that is not for industrial or commercial operations
  • Employees who are involved in remote work

Occupation requirements

Candidates must have a valid job offer in any of the eligible occupations. The majority of occupations under the NOC TEER categories 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 can qualify under the AAIP.

List of ineligible occupations:

NOC Code (2021) NOC TEER category Occupation
10 0 Legislators
60040 0 Escort agency managers, massage parlour managers
41100 1 Judges
51111 1 Authors and writers (except technical)
51122 1 Musicians and singers
42200 2 Justices of the peace
53121 3 Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122 3 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53124 3 Artisans and craftspersons
53200 3 Athletes
33100 3 Dental laboratory bench workers
44100 4 Home child care providers
44101 4 Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
64321 4 Casino Occupations
55109 5 Other performers
65229 5 Other support occupations in personal services
85101 5 Harvesting Labourers

Qualifying work experience requirements

The qualifying work experience requirements for a temporary foreign worker and an EMPP refugee are listed below: 

  • Temporary foreign worker: Before submitting your application, you must have at least one year of professional experience in any of the eligible occupations in the last 18 months. The work experience can be a combination of professional experience gained in Alberta, Canada, and overseas.
  • EMPP refugee applicant: You must have at least 12 months of full-time professional experience in the last ten months before submitting your application.

The work experience in the qualifying period must:

  • Be full-time paid employment for at least 30 hours per week.
  • Have authorization from the IRCC and a temporary resident status if acquired in Canada.
  • Not be obtained while pursuing studies or involved in co-op work internships or placements that are part of the study course or program. However, if you are a PGWP holder who has fulfilled paid co-op work terms that are a part of the study program at a post-secondary institution in Alberta, To be eligible, the work terms must be:
  • Full-time or paid work (30 hours per week)
  • Total work experience gained in Alberta
  • Fulfill the requirements given in the below table:
TEER Category of job offer or current occupation is: TEER Category of work experience must be:
TEER 0 TEER 0 or 1
TEER 1 TEER 0, 1 or 2
TEER 2 TEER 1, 2, 3 or 4
TEER 3 TEER 1, 2, 3 or 4
TEER 4 TEER 2, 3, 4 or 5
TEER 5 TEER 5 and must be in the same occupation – NOC code


Note: PGWP holders who have completed a two-year post-secondary study course from an IRCC-designated learning school/institution in their designated community do not need to fulfill the 12-month work experience criteria.

Alberta PNP Language requirements

Candidates are required to meet the minimum language requirements in English or French at the time of application submission and assessment. The language requirements may have changed for certain applicants after the introduction of NOC 2021. You can use the table below to determine the required minimum language score based on the TEER category for your occupation in NOC 2021.

National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER category

Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) test score required

Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) test score required

If your job offer is for NOC 0, 1, 2 or 3 occupation

Minimum of 5 for each English language skill

Minimum of 5 for each French language skill

If your job offer is for NOC 4 or 5 occupation

Minimum of 4 for each English language skill

Minimum of 4 for each French language skill


The language tests that are accepted for the AAIP program are as follows:

  • Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test
  • Test d'évaluation de français Canada (TEF Canada)
  • Test de connaissance du français Canada (TCF Canada)

 The test results will have a 2-year validity while submitting your application.

Note: The AAIP will not accept a confirmation of registration to take a language test instead of submitting the test result. 

Alberta PNP Education requirements

Candidates who are temporary foreign workers are required to provide an ECA copy issued by an IRCC-designated organization for their highest level of education.

However, you need not provide an ECA if you:

  • Have a valid AIT-recognized Alberta Qualification Certificate or a trade certificate.
  • Have a Canadian degree, diploma, or certificate from a recognized post-secondary, technical college, or secondary institution in Canada.

Alberta PNP Settlement fund requirements

Candidates must show proof of sufficient funds during the application submission and assessment. The settlement funds requirements are particularly for temporary foreign workers, while the EMPP refugees do not need to fulfill this criterion. Candidates must have sufficient funds to provide for themselves and their families to settle in the designated community if:

  • You are living in Canada
  • You are currently residing in Canada but are unemployed or not working

The minimum fund requirements are based on the Low Income Cut-Offs (LICOs). The required settlement funds depend on the total number of family members and the size of the population of your designated community where you intend to settle.

Number of family members Population size of the community and funds required
Less than 1,000 1,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 99,999
1 $8,922 $10,151 $11,093
2 $11,107 $12,636 $13,810
3 $13,655 $15,534 $16,977
4 $16,579 $18,861 $20,613
5 $18,803 $21,392 $23,379
6 $21,208 $24,127 $26,367
7 $23,611 $26,861 $29,356
Amount of funds required for each additional family member $2,404 $2,735 $2,989

The provided funds must be clear and easily available to fulfill the minimum settlement fund requirements. Jewellery, cars, real estate property, and other personal assets are ineligible. The money in the joint account can be counted for those with an accompanying spouse. You can use the funds in your spouse’s account if you successfully provide proof of access to the money. The funds must be present during the submission and assessment, and you must submit evidence to the AAIP officer that you can access the money upon your arrival in Alberta.

You must show letters from banks or financial institutions where your money is stored. The letters must should:

  • Be printed on the letterhead of the financial institution
  • Include contact details of the financial institution (telephone number, address, and email address)
  • Your full name
  • Provide complete details of any outstanding debts, including loans, credit cards, debit cards, etc.
  • Below is listed information of the present bank and the investment account:
  • Account numbers
  • Date of account opening
  • The current balance in the account
  • Transactions made in the last 3 months
  • Average balance for the past 6 months

Steps to Apply for the Alberta Rural Renewal Stream

Here is a 5-step guide to apply for the Alberta Rural Renewal stream under the AAIP:

Step 1: Go through the terms and conditions for the stream

Step 2: Assess the eligibility criteria

Step 3: Fill out the online application form

Step 4: Complete the application fee payment

Step 5: Await a decision on your application

Tourism and Hospitality Stream

The Tourism and Hospitality stream is for temporary foreign workers currently residing in Alberta and working full-time in the tourism and hospitality sector with a full-time employment offer from an employer in Alberta in an eligible occupation. Candidates must have a positive LMIA and fulfill the requirements for other languages, education, occupations, work experience, and job offers.

Alberta Tourism and Healthcare Stream Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility requirements for the Tourism and healthcare stream are given in the below sections:

Approved employer requirements

The ongoing employment and employment contract in Alberta must be with a single and authorized Tourism and Hospitality employer.

The requirements that need to be fulfilled for the approved Tourism and Hospitality employers are as follows:

Alberta coverage requirements: Eligible industries and the Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB)

The employer in Alberta’s primary business activities must be in an eligible industry as described by the WCB—Alberta industry code or exempt activities during the application submission time. Candidates must show that the employer in Alberta has valid WCB coverage or is exempt from coverage through the WCB clearance letter.

List of WCB industries:

Eligible WCB industries and exempt activities WCB industry code Sample activities
Museums/Art Galleries 80701 Art Galleries, Art Museums, Interpretive Centres, Museums
Zoos/Game Farms 80703 Game Farms, Zoos
Bowling Alleys/Billiard Parlours 85300 Billiard Parlours, Bowling Alleys, Pool Halls
Golf Clubs/Ranges 85900 Operation of Driving Ranges, Golf Courses
Ski Resorts/Gondolas 85904 Operation of Chairlifts, Gondolas, Ski Instruction, Ski Resorts
Casinos/Dance Halls 85916 Casino Halls, Dance Halls
Arenas/Stadiums 85919 Arenas, Stadiums, Race Tracks
Travel Agency/Motor Association 85925 Operation of Wildlife and Wilderness Associations, Tour Guides, Tourist Promotion, Park Associations
Restaurants/Catering 87501 Operation of Coffee Shops, Drive-In Restaurants, Restaurants, Take-Out Services, Bartending Services
Hotels/Convention Centres 87503 Operation of Bed and Breakfast, Cabins and Motels, Convention Centres
Sports and Recreation 87600 Operation of Amusement Parks and Rec Resorts, Hot Air Ballooning, Boats, Pleasure and Water Tours, Campsites
Property Management/Hostels 89702 Operation of Hostels, Bingo Halls, Airports
Private Clubs 87508 Private Clubs, Sporting Clubs, Fitness Clubs and Gun Clubs
Operation of a Curling Rink Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes
Operation of an Ice Skating Rink Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes
Operation of a Cricket Field Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes
Operation of a Convention Bureau Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes
Operation of an Information Bureau Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes
Promotions, sports and entertainment Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes
Professional sports Multiple Activity is identified within multiple WCB industries/codes

Sector association and Travel Alberta membership requirements:

Most tourism and hospitality employers can qualify for membership in any of the minimum sector associations. The employer in Alberta must not be a member of any of the eligible sector associations and must also meet Travel Alberta's requirements along with a listing as an Experience Provider on the official website of Travel Alberta.

List of eligible sector associations:

Sector Sector association
Accommodations Alberta Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA)
Accommodations Alberta Bed and Breakfast Association (ABBA)
Food and Beverage Restaurants Canada
Indigenous Tourism Indigenous Tourism Alberta
Recreation and Entertainment Canadian Association of Tour Operators (CATO)
Recreation and Entertainment Canada West Ski Areas Association (CWSAA)
Recreation and Entertainment Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG)
Recreation and Entertainment Alberta Golf Association
Meetings, Conventions, and Incentive Tourism Convention Centres Canada (CCC)
Tourism and Hospitality Tourism Industry Association of Alberta (TIAA)
Tourism and Hospitality Alberta Hospitality Association
Tourism and Hospitality Tourism HR Canada
Tourism and Hospitality Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC)

Occupation and employment requirements

The current employment in Alberta and the Alberta employment offer must be for an eligible occupation:

List of eligible occupations:

NOC code (2021) Occupation NOC TEER category
54100 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport, and fitness 4
60030 Restaurant and food services managers 0
60031 Accommodation service managers 0
62020 Food service supervisors 2
62200 Chefs 2
63200 Cooks 3
64300 Maîtres d’hôtel and hosts/hostesses 4
64301 Bartenders 4
64314 Hotel front desk clerks 4
64320 Tour and travel guides 4
64322 Outdoor sport and recreational guides 4
65200 Food and beverage servers 5
65201 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations 5
65210 Support occupations in accommodation, travel, and facilities set-up services 5
65310 Light duty cleaners 5
65311 Specialized cleaners 5
65312 Janitors, caretakers, and heavy-duty cleaners 5
65320 Dry cleaning, laundry, and related occupations 5

Current employment:

At the time of the application submission and assessment, Candidates must be:

  • Residing and working in Alberta in eligible occupations for an approved Tourism and Hospitality employer.
  • Have a valid employment offer based on a positive LMIA for an eligible occupation.

Note: Maintained status cannot be considered as a substitution for a valid employment permit. Any other work permit types are ineligible at the time of application. 

Work experience:

Candidates must work full-time (30 hours per week) with an approved employer in Tourism and Hospitality in any eligible occupation for at least six continuous months at the time of applying.

The work experience must be:

  • From a paid employment
  • For the same employer as your present Alberta job offer
  • Is authorized by the IRCC with a valid temporary resident status if completed either in Alberta or Canada

Job offer or employment contract:

Candidates are required to fulfill the below job offer and employment contract requirements:

  • Must have a full-time job offer or job contract for an eligible occupation in Alberta with your present employer
  • You must have work experience of six continuous months (780 hours) with your current employer.
  • Your Alberta job offers or employment contract with the Alberta employer offering the job must fulfill the Alberta job offer and employment requirements.

Language requirements

Candidates must fulfill the language test scores of a minimum of 4 for each English and French language skill.

You can provide the test results for any of the following language tests:

  • Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test
  • Test d'évaluation de français Canada (TEF Canada)
  • Test de connaissance du français Canada (TCF Canada)

Education requirements

Candidates must have at least a high school education equal to Canadian standards. A copy of the ECA issued by the IRCC must be submitted at the time of application.

You may not require an ECA if:

  • Have a Canadian degree, diploma, or certificate from a post-secondary, secondary institution, or technical college in Canada.
  • The institution must be one of Canada's recognized Directory of Educational Institutions.
  • An authorized, registered, or licensed institution must be listed in the Directory of Educational Institutions in Canada and must be Advanced Education authorized.
  • Have a valid AIT-recognized Alberta Qualification Certificate or a trade certificate.

Steps to Apply for the Alberta Tourism and Hospitality Stream

Here is a 5-step guide to apply for the Alberta Tourism and Hospitality Stream under the AAIP:

Step 1: Go through the terms and conditions for the stream

Step 2: Assess the eligibility criteria

Step 3: Fill out the online application form

Step 4: Complete the application fee payment

Step 5: Await a decision on your application

Farm Stream

The Farm stream is for entrepreneurs with sufficient financial funds and experience in farm management who want to start a new farm or purchase an existing one in Alberta. Candidates must submit their Farm stream application along with a business plan to the AAIP for further assessment.

Eligibility Criteria for Farm Stream

Candidates must meet the Farm Management and Financial resources criteria mentioned below to be eligible for the stream:

Farm management skills

Candidates must submit proof that they have the required skills in farm management. The proof may include but is not restricted to:

  • Documents related to the financial aspects of an already existing farm business
  • Documents related to education, training, and work experience
  • A proposed business plan for a farm-related enterprise that you wish to set up in Alberta
  • Evidence that a financial institution in Canada is willing to support the proposed farming business financially

Sufficient financial resources

  • Interested applicants must be able to invest at least CDN $500,000 in any of the primary production farming businesses in the province.
  • Financial documents of the CDN $500,000 net worth or any confirmation of access to resources or funds must be submitted.

Note: Candidates may also need to exhibit the ability to invest more than the required minimum.

Primary Production Investment

Candidates are required to document their plans of investment in a proposed business plan. This document must be attached to the AAIP application. Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation will then review the plan to ensure it aligns with the farming industry's requirements in Alberta.

Note: Applications that showcase more opportunities to contribute to the growth of the Agri-food targets will be prioritized.

Steps to Apply for the Alberta Farm Stream

Here is a 5-step guide to apply for the Alberta Farm Stream under the AAIP:

Step 1: Go through the terms and conditions for the stream

Step 2: Assess the eligibility criteria

Step 3: Down the list of documents and fill up the forms

Step 4: Complete the application fee payment

Step 5: Send your application via mail to the AAIP

Rural Entrepreneur Stream

The Rural Entrepreneur stream is one of the economic immigration programs. Interested entrepreneurs wishing to start a new business or purchase an existing business in a rural community in Alberta can submit an EOI (Expression of Interest).

Eligibility Criteria for Rural Entrepreneur stream

Area Requirements
Work experience Have at least a minimum of 3 years of experience as a manager/business owner (or) 4 years of experience as a senior manager in the last 10 years.
Education Have at least a high school degree that is equal to the Canadian standard & an ECA.
Language Have CLB 4 in each of the English language skills or NCLC 4 in each French language skill.

Note: The test results must not be over 2 years old at the time of EOI submission. The tests listed below are eligible for the AAIP:
Eligible Language Tests are:
Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test
Test d'évaluation de français (TEF) Canada
Test de connaissance du français (TCF) Canada
Net worth Have a net worth of $300,000. The assets must either be the personal holdings of the candidate or that of the spouse or common-law partner.
Business investment Have a minimum investment of $100,000 from the candidate’s own equity (and/or spouse/common-law partner). Candidates with more levels of investment will be given more points.
Business establishment Have at least 51% of the minimum ownership of a new business. The business partners must be Citizens of Canada or PR holders.
Have 100% ownership for business succession
The business must not be listed as an ineligible business.
Documents about the sources on how to establish a business in Alberta, with documents related to business plan development, business start-up, and business loans
Job creation The new businesses must create a minimum of one full-time job for Canadian Citizens or PR holders (not including relatives).
Businesses that create more job opportunities will receive more points. Jobs must be created for Citizens of Canada or PR holders (not including relatives) for a period of at least 6 months.
Job creation will not be required for business succession
Community support letter Have a Community Support Letter from a participating community in rural Alberta.

Steps to Apply for the Rural Entrepreneur Stream

Here is a 7-step guide to apply for the Alberta Rural Entrepreneur Stream under the AAIP:

Step 1: Go through the terms and conditions for the stream

Step 2: Assess the eligibility criteria

Step 3: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

Step 4: Submit the business application process

Step 5: Assessment of your business application

Step 6: Set up your business in Alberta

Step 7: Request for a nomination

Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

The Graduate Entrepreneur stream is for eligible foreign graduates from post-secondary institutions in Alberta. The stream authorizes the AAIP to nominate eligible international graduates who wish to set up or operate a business in the province to apply for PR.

Eligibility Criteria for Graduate Entrepreneur stream

Area Requirement
Education Have completed a minimum of two years of full-time education, with a degree or diploma from an Advanced Education in Alberta that is a publicly funded post-secondary institution.
Work permit Have a PGWP issued by the IRCC, which should be valid at the time of EOI submission.
Language Have a minimum CLB 7 for each English language skill or NCLC 7 for each French language skill: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The test results must not be older than 2 years at the time of EOI submission. The AAIP accepts the following language tests:
Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test
Test d'évaluation de français (TEF) Canada
Test de connaissance du français (TCF) Canada
Business establishment Must set up a new business or purchase an existing one in Alberta with at least 34% of the ownership. The type of business should not be listed as one of the ineligible businesses.
Candidates need not set up a business in Alberta until the business application is approved by the AAIP.
Business partners should be Citizens of Canada or PR holders.

Requirement of Settlement Funds for Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

The table below has the requirements for settlement funds for the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur stream:

Population size of community and funds required
Number of family members Less than 1,000 1,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 and over
1 $8,922 $10,151 $11,093 $12,961 $12,960
2 $11,107 $12,636 $13,810 $16,135 $16,135
3 $13,655 $15,534 $16,977 $19,836 $19,836
4 $16,579 $18,861 $20,613 $24,084 $24,083
5 $18,803 $21,392 $23,379 $27,315 $27,315
6 $21,208 $24,127 $26,367 $30,807 $30,806
7 $23,611 $26,861 $29,356 $34,299 $34,299
Source: Statistics Canada


Steps to Apply for the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

The application process for the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur stream is similar to the Graduate Entrepreneur Stream.

Application Fees for AAIP Streams

The table given below has application fees for the 8 Alberta PNP streams:

Alberta Advantage Immigrant Program (AAIP)
Stream Application Fee
Alberta Opportunity Stream CAD $500
Alberta Express Entry Stream CAD $500
Alberta Accelerated Tech Pathway CAD $500
Rural Renewal Stream CAD $500
Tourism and Hospitality Stream CAD $500
Farm Stream CAD $500
Graduate Entrepreneur Stream CAD $3,500
Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream CAD $3,500
Rural Entrepreneur Stream CAD $3,500

Latest Alberta PNP Draws

Month No. of draws Total no. of Invitations
March 2 17
February 10 551
January NA NA

Alberta PNP Draws held in 2024

Month No. of draws Total no. of Invitations
December 7 1043
November 5 882
October  1 302
September 1 22
August 1 41
July 3 120
June 1 73
May 1 40
April 1 48
March 1 34
February 4 248
January 4 130

Things to consider after you receive your nomination

Some of the major things to consider after receiving a nomination are as follows:

  • You must apply for Canada PR within six months of receiving a nomination (The AAIP may extend your AAIP application in certain situations)
  • Any changes to your circumstances must be updated to the IRCC and the federal government.
  • You must maintain your status to reside and work in Alberta while your Canada PR application is being processed.
  • If you fail to fulfill the nomination conditions or provide misleading or incorrect information, your nomination may be withdrawn by the AAIP.

Steps to apply for PR

Once a candidate receives a nomination from the AAIP, they can apply for Canada PR or an extension of their work permit or nomination.

Step 1: Evaluate the nomination package

Step 2: Fill out the PR application

Step 3: Submit your application online

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I immigrate to Alberta?
How to apply for the AAIP program?
Is immigrating to Alberta easy?
What are some of the in-demand occupations in Alberta?
What is the processing time of my Alberta application?
Is there a minimum CRS score for Alberta PNP?
Is it possible to apply for Alberta PNP without a job offer?
Is AAIP and AINP the same?
What to do after getting a provincial nomination?
What are some of the benefits of moving to Alberta?